Arrays and Lists in Python
Data Structures are fundamental tools and concepts for any programmer. Python has a number of important Data Structures such as List, Tuples and Dictionary. Today I feel obliged to share something about Arrays and Lists in python. In Python, there are no native array data structure, but it has a more generalised data structure that can serve the purpose of arrays called List. List can also be implemented as a multidimensional array. This article basically entails the difference between arrays and lists and how we can used list as arrys in python. Advanced libraries in Python such as NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib. basics of lists A list in Python is just an ordered collection of items which can be of any type. By comparison an array is an ordered collection of items of a single type - so in principle a list is more flexible than an array To define a list you simply write a comma separated list of items in square brackets: fruits=[banana,ora...